A Letter to Someone (Karishma)

This piece is inspired by a quote from Finding Forester. ” Someone I once knew wrote that we walk away from our dreams afraid that we may fail or worse yet,afraid we may succeed. you need to know that while I knew so very early that you would realize your dreams,I never imagined I would once again realize my own.”

I realized this when I first met you, I was astounded by the way my dream was real and this scared me. How is that you are so perfect, the way your hair fell into your eyes, the way your eyes told a beautiful story, and the way your lips sang words of music. We had both become successful going our paths. I still listened to your soothing voice from my tiny screen, secretly cheering for you. Did you do the same? I wondered. Though our love was against everything we worked our lives to become, I still lie in bed wishing that we were just normal people. Then would our lives have been perfect? I wonder. We had both achieved our dreams and every day we put on a fake smile for the world so that we can give hope to others struggling in life because that is our job. Isn’t it? We blindly signed up to something not knowing that every movement we made was being documented by the media. Our lives revolved around a camera knowing that we had to be careful with our words or it would stir unwanted trouble, not only for our image but for our members too. We were told to stop feeling, and always be happy, bottling up our emotions until one day we just explode. But it was music that made us happy. Knowing that we were born to give more love than we could receive. Loving someone other than ourselves was beyond our imagination, as we were never taught to. Funny isn’t it ? Living with these toxic norms and million restrictions was just a price to pay. Forbid to love and only able to give out love was tiring but this is what we both dreamed of, only you realized first and I followed shortly after. So when I listen to your soothing voice from my tiny screen, I still cheer for you my love, I can’t help but wonder do you do the same? Even though our love was forcefully broken because of our jobs. There is not a minute I regretted with you. And even though I still miss your presence, I can’t help but wonder. Do you miss mine? I look at you through my tiny screen knowing that we are both happy with the way we achieved our dreams.





  1. Dear Karishma,
    This piece about a person not being in once life and the struggles of accepting that was something you have perfectly depicted. Lines like, “And even though I still miss your presence, I can’t help but wonder. Do you miss mine?” are so heartfelt and allows the reader to connect to the piece.
    For improvement, working on some of those run on sentences will grant your piece more clarity and overall make it more powerful. I am excited to see were your writing takes you in the future.
    Kind regards,

  2. Dear Avishi,

    Thank you for taking time to read my piece. I am really glad you enjoyed reading this! For improvement I will make sure to edit carefully and check for run on sentences.
    I hope to be able to read more of your work as well!


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